Defects, no matter how small, can begin a process that will further erode the chimney and can pose a threat to your family’s safety. These gaps and cracks can cause health risks, by allowing poisonous gases to escape into your home. More importantly, combustible creosote or soot can also escape through these openings and build up outside the flue liner. If the creosote were to catch fire in this area of your chimney, serious damage can occur, because the fire can no longer be contained within the flue.
In order to work correctly and efficiently, chimneys must free of gaps and cracks. Gases rising up through your chimney are similar to liquid being sipped through a straw. If the straw has a crack or hole in it the liquid will not flow effectively through it. Gaps and cracks allow excess air into your chimney, slow the updraft and make it harder for smoke and gases to rise up and out. Hence, the fireplace, woodstove or furnace will perform poorly, resulting in the loss of draft efficiency.